Ditto hidden ability
Ditto hidden ability

ditto hidden ability

Limitations: Even though Ditto can copy it's opponent's appearance and skills, it doesn't copy their stamina, meaning it can only use it's moves a total of five times. To pass down a Hidden Ability is fairly simple, with the only caveat being that if two Pokémon of the same species are bred together, only the female will pass down the Hidden Ability.

ditto hidden ability

Hidden Power Rock can also be effective when copying Primal Groudon or Marshadow carrying Hidden Power Ice, as Ho-Oh may try to switch in believing Ditto carries Hidden Power Ice too.

ditto hidden ability

  • Low-Tier Pokémon: Since Ditto only learns Transform, it's considered to not be that useful of a Pokémon. Dittos IVs can be modified to obtain different Hidden Power types, such as Fire and Rock, to target Steel-types and Ho-Oh, respectively, when copying Xerneas with Imposter.
  • Type Weaknesses: Being a Normal-type Pokémon, Ditto is weak to Fighting-type attacks.
  • Transform: Transform is, as the name implies, a move that allows the Pokémon to transform into the opposing Pokémon and copy it's stats, abilities, and moves.
  • Imposter: Ditto's hidden ability, allowing it to transform into the opposing Pokémon as soon as it's switched out into battle.
  • Limber: Prevents the Pokémon from being Paralyzed.
  • Type Resistances: Being a Normal-type, Ditto is immune to Ghost-type attacks. For Pokemon Sword on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled Is it possible to get Ditto Hidden Ability Imposter from a Max raid den.
  • Breeding with Ditto is slightly less complicated because of its lack of gender and. However, there is no chance of a Pokémon inheriting a Hidden Ability from its father. Because of it's unique cell structure, Ditto is capable of breeding with any Pokémon, aside from Legendaries or other genderless Pokémon. However, the addition of the Hidden Ability Imposter has turned Ditto into, well, still kind of a gimmick, but one that can at least function and be pretty powerful in the right hands. If the female Pokémon has a Hidden Ability, the offspring will have a 60 percent chance of inheriting that Ability because it will be the same Pokémon species as its mother. It's implied that Ditto's shape-shifting abilities work best if it has a visual example, as it will usually get details wrong if it has to go from memory. Most commonly seen in the form of a shapeless blob, Ditto is able reconstitute it's cellular structure to transform into anything it sees, ranging from other Pokémon, to household objects, to even people. Ditto is a first generation Normal-type Pokémon.

    Ditto hidden ability