Espacos sonoros
Espacos sonoros

espacos sonoros

The develop method will be evaluated by three MoCap data sets of various motion types and five commercial human shape models, and it should provide better visual stylized sequences when compared with current animation generation methods.Įxpected outcomes: 3 peer-reviewed article, 1 Master thesis, 1 PhD thesis, a software application.

espacos sonoros

The objective is to generate stylized character motion-specific animation sequences. The pipeline will integrate two animation software tools, Maya and MotionBuilder in one flow. Project will automate and enhance an animation pipeline obtained using MoCap data.

espacos sonoros

Project: 3D animation generation using MoCap data The project will study the historical evolution of the tools and technologies available to animators, and their impact on the visual language, and the language of movement in Animation, focuses on Motion Capture Technology.Įxpected outcomes: software tools for animators, short animated examples based on Motion Capture Animation, two peer-reviewed article, organization of an international conference on the subject, and the publication of a book chapter. Project: Contemporary Animation: Tools, Constraints and Future Prospects (What lies beyond the Uncanny Valley) The project aims to study the impact of emerging audiovisual technology on documentary film.Įxpected outcomes: two documentaries exploring the act of representing reality, using new technical possibilities, and two peer-reviewed article regarding technical advances (video formats, advances in video technology such as lenses, filters and lighting, editing techniques, image post-production and HDR technologies) Similar to the introduction of technologies such as video and cable TV, the arrival of new audiovisual technology (4k, HRD, new post-production tools, etc ) with relation to documentary filmmaking brings with it both huge potential and huge uncertainty. Historically, documentary makers have been the leading innovators in driving film technology forward in order to overcome filming in difficult situations outside of the studio and to better convey actuality to the audience (McLane, Betsy A. Project: The impact on new digital technology in documentary In particularly, it focuses on three very different contexts with varying levels of user engagement: the performing arts, medical recovery and classroom learning experienceĮxpected outcomes: 9 peer-reviewed article, 2 Master thesis, 2 PhD thesis, 2 workshops and 1 masterclass. The project aims to explore both the utilitarian and artistic properties of the sonic medium as an agent for social interaction, coming from a background of science and technology of the arts. The sonic aspects of interaction design are well studied, but outside academia, sound has been a neglected medium, with creators seldom aware of the extent to which it affects user experience. Project: Sonic Interaction Design (sponsor by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian) The CCD already incorporates a state-of-the-art infrastructure that has enabled and continues to provide an unique environment and support facilities for the development of an increasing number of artistic, research, public and business projects and events in its areas of activity. In the case of the CCD project goal is to enable it in the area of ​​digital media. The objective of the project is to strengthen the technical-scientific training of high-impact research infrastructures inserted in the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures of Strategic Interest, allowing them to constitute a strategic pillar in the development of research of excellence at national and international level. The Digital Creativity Center (CCD) is a production infrastructure using state-of-the-art, state-of-the-art technologies, with certification attributed by leading brands in the audiovisual industry (such as Apple, Avid and Autodesk). These products will have a clear mobilizing effect on other important sectors of culture, such as cultural heritage, archives, books and publications or the performing arts.ĬCD project PINFRA / 22133/2016 (upgrade to CCD) The CHIC project aims to develop, test and demonstrate a broad range of new processes, products and services that have a significant impact on the audiovisual and multimedia sectors. POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024498 CHIC (Cooperative Holistic View on Internet and Content)

Espacos sonoros